As a result of Ashton Kutcher vs. CNNBR and Oprah, Twitterholics, geeks and media nuts went berserk on twitter. Some even abandoned it ...
Now the New York Observer and The Industry Standard are predicting that Google will acquire Twitter. I don't see how this is a logical or even sane reaction when on March 3rd Google's CEO called Twitter a "poor man's email system."
Google will not by Twitter. Microsoft might think about it because they have to do anything they can to try and compete (though this won't help).
No search engine will or should buy twitter. AOL could be dumb enough too, though. Twitter could be purchased by someone like LinkedIn, Skype, Amazon, IAC or a news company of some sort.
Twitter will be fine. As a matter of fact, after this so called backlash ends, the community may be even stronger. Twitter didn't die when the fail whale was a common sighting. It won't fail when Kim Kardashian shares her sunburn photos either...
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