Usually, by the time a fad or emerging technology goes mainstream it's the sign that it's no longer a fad, emerging, or cool. We have seen Twitter rise as an astronomical success ... despite all the Fail Whales and identi.ca's. Twitter will be around for a while. It's not dying. It may just be that it will become less useful if the users continue down the same track. It will, eventually, become way to noisy for the major voices (Chris Brogan, Robert Scoble, Guy Kawasaki, etc.) to follow everyone that follows them. It's just untenable. Despite all the tools that allow you to group your friends and maintain conversations, Twitter wasn't built well enough to truly show the evolution of a conversation ... certainly not as well as FriendFeed.
One other ironic thing is the way that traditional media has grasped onto this '2.0' technology. As we can see from this compilation, there are hundreds of reporters on Twitter. If only they were this fervent about blogs when they were in their infancy ... maybe we wouldn't be saying goodbye to our local news and hello to hyperlocal news.
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